
Back in September 2021, Cream Consulting offered me the possibility, and the chance, to work as an intern. For a period of 6 months, I have then been working for their biggest client, in the financial sector, where my main missions were to extract financial data from their contracts and to help maintain them in databases before processing them 

I immediately liked the dynamic atmosphere within Cream ☺️ Everyone has been so warm, accessible, and helpful ever since my first day. I tried to give back all this positive energy by sharing nice moments in CreamWorking, by attending all the Cream events, or by joining the Futsal team.

As time went on, my mission was running smoothly. In January 2022, two months before the end of my initial contract, I have then been offered a full-time job starting in March 2022 for Cream. Without hesitating, I jumped into the occasion and said yes.

I feel now happy to say that I am an official Creamer, and I look forward to taking up new common challenges with all the people working there !